Horse Genetics Mint

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About this collection


Horsely Collection


ERC 721

The Sparkatto horse type represents a unique breed within the realm of NFTs with fractional ownerships. These digital assets offer enthusiasts the opportunity to collectively own and manage a virtual equine companion. Each Sparkatto NFT is not only a symbol of ownership but also comes with intricate genetic data associated with its virtual counterpart.

This genetic data encapsulates various traits, such as coat color, temperament, conformation, and potential abilities, providing owners with insight into their Sparkatto's virtual genetic makeup.

With this information, owners can delve into breeding simulations, competitions, and other virtual experiences tailored to their Sparkatto's genetic predispositions, fostering a rich and immersive ownership experience within the digital equestrian world.


0.001 MATIC $14.25

Limit 100 per wallet

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Immerse yourself in the world of horses and experience the beauty of these magnificent creatures. Discover the secrets of horse genetics, learn about their incredible history, and embark on an exciting journey through the equestrian world.


Horse Genetics Mint

Explore the fascinating world of horse genetics and discover the unique characteristics that make each horse truly one of a kind. Learn about the science behind coat colors, bloodlines, and the traits that define these majestic animals.

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