
Exclusive Downloads

Unlock valuable insights and exclusive content about your favorite digital steeds, Sparkatto and Quiteña, by minting their NFTs today.



Mint Sparkatto's NFT and gain access to four comprehensive PDF files that delve deep into its pedigree, genetic traits, health and wellness, and the potential of its progeny. A treasure trove of information awaits enthusiasts and breeders.

Mint Sparkatto

Download Files Size For Sparkatto

  • Sparkatto-110.2 GBs

  • Sparkatto-210.3 GBs

  • Sparkatto-38.5 GBs

  • Sparkatto-48.6 GBs



Embrace the opportunity to mint Quiteña's NFT and unlock exclusive access to her detailed genetic analysis, offering insights into her lineage, traits, and the bright future of her offspring.

Mint Quiteña

Download Files Size For Quiteña

  • Quiteña-112.5 GBs

  • Quiteña-212.6 GBs

  • Quiteña-38.1 GBs

  • Quiteña-48.1 GBs